圧倒的多数の支持を得て採択される: be adopted with the support of the vast majority of〔~の〕 圧倒的多数の支持を得て選出される: be selected by an overwhelming majority 多数の国民の支持を得る: win the support of many people 多数の支持を得る: gain support from a majority 大多数の国家の支持を得る: have the support of a majority of nations 大多数の国民からの支持を得る: receive the support of a majority of the population 知事に_%の支持を得て再選される: be reelected governor of ~ with __% popular support〔~の〕 多数の支持を呼ぶ: attract considerable support 多数の国民の支持を獲得する: enjoy substantial public support 国民の大多数の支持を得る: 1. have the support of the majority of one's people 2. win the support of the majority of the people 超党派の支持を得て: with bipartisan support 圧倒的多数で採択される: be adopted with overwhelming support 圧倒的支持で採択される: be adopted with overwhelming support 多数の支持: considerable support 圧倒的な支持を得て再選される: be reelected with overwhelming support