確実に手中に収める: get ~ in the bag〔 【語源】 狩猟の際に獲物を入れておく袋から〕
手中に収める 1: 1. have ~ in one's hand 2. hold ~ in one's grip 3. take ~ by storm〔~を〕 手中に収める 2 get one's hooks into [on]〔女性が男性を〕
手中に収めて: 1. with ~ in one's pocket 2. with ~ in the bag〔~を〕
自分の手中に収める 1: get someone in one's clutches〔人を〕 自分の手中に収める 2 take ~ into one's own hands〔誰の手も借りずに〕〔~を〕
中に収める: bring within〔~の〕
満足感は、国を手中に収めるに勝る。: Content is more than a kingdom.
一望の中に収める 1: have a bird's-eye view of 一望の中に収める 2 command a view of〔~を〕
…に収める: fit ~ in [into]〔~を〕
傘下に収める: throw one's mantle over〔~を〕
手中に納める: take [get, gain, have] possession (of)〔~を〕
聴衆をすっかり掌中に収める: have the audience in the palm of one's hand
カメラに収める 1: take a picture [photo, photograph] カメラに収める 2 take a picture [shot, photo, photograph] of〔~を〕
フィルムに収める: catch ~ on film〔~を〕
一つの文に収める: tidy into one sentence
元の鞘に収める: get ~ back together (again)〔別れた男女を〕