grand steward ' s secretariat , imperial household agency 宮内庁長官官房
the grand steward of the imperial household agency and the grand chamberlain (the head of the board of chamberlains ) are officers certified by the emperor . 宮内庁長官と侍従長(侍従職の長)は認証官。
currently , the grand steward ' s secretariat (treasurer of the imperial household , accounting division and supply division ) is in charge of duties . なお、現在では宮内庁長官官房(皇室経済主管及び主計課・用度課)がその職務を引き継いでいる。
also , in the kotofu and the duplicate copy , grand steward of the imperial household agency and manager of imperial household archives seal the thread for binding (the old article 3 , paragraph 2 ). また、皇統譜及び副本には、宮内庁長官及び宮内庁書陵部長が、その綴糸に封印する(旧3条2項)。
when entries are registered or supplementary provisions are added in the kotofu and the duplicate copy , the date is filled in and grand steward of the imperial household agency and manager of the imperial household archives sign it (the old article 9 ). 皇統譜及び副本に登録又は附記したときは、その年月日を記入し、宮内庁長官及び書陵部長がこれに署名する(旧9条)。
the previous kotofu was subject to the authority of imperial household minister , whereas the kotofu under regulation of the existing kotofu rei is subject to the authority of grand steward of the imperial household agency (paragraph 3 of supplementary provision to the existing kotofu rei ). 従前の皇統譜に関し、宮内大臣が行った職権は、現行令の規定による皇統譜については、宮内庁長官が、これを行うものとした(現行令附則3項)。
the gyoji (imperial seal ) is put on the back of front cover for each thin booklet and the grand steward of the imperial household agency fills in with the number of pages and the date of production , and he signs with manager of the imperial household archives (the old article 3 , paragraph 1 ). 皇統譜及び副本には、簿冊ごとに表紙の裏面に御璽をおし、宮内庁長官が枚数及び調製の年月日を記入し、宮内庁書陵部部長とともに署名する(旧3条1項)。
the grand steward ' s secretariat , imperial household agency , the board of chamberlains of the imperial household agency , imperial household archives , the museum of the imperial collections ( " sannnomaru shozokan " in japanese ), the imperial household agency kyoto office and the shosoin office administer the imperial properties , which the nation owns . 皇室用財産は国有財産であり、宮内庁の各部局(宮内庁長官官房、宮内庁侍従職、宮内庁書陵部、三の丸尚蔵館、宮内庁京都事務所、正倉院事務所が管理する。
furthermore , some terms had been used in the old kotofu rei but was amended in the existing kotofu rei , such amendments were made where appropriate (for instance , ' imperial household minister ' was amended as ' grand steward of the imperial household agency ,' ' zusho no kami ' as ' manager of imperial household archives ,' and so on .) なお、旧令の用語のうち、現行令により修正されたものについては適宜修正した(例「宮内大臣」を「宮内庁長官」、「図書頭」を「書陵部部長」など)。
the new emperor went to the main hall of matsu of the imperial palace accompanying other imperial family members , guided by the grand steward of the imperial household agency , he then sat down in the front seat facing the audience who attended the ceremony , there was a short ceremony with the chamberlain placing a sword and ju and the seal of state and the imperial seal on the desk in front of the new emperor . 新天皇は宮内庁長官らに先導され皇族を従え松の間に臨場し、参列者に向合う形で正面の席に着き、剣・璽及び国璽・御璽を侍従が新天皇の前にある机に置く短い儀式が行われた。
宮内庁: 宮内庁 くないちょう Imperial Household Agency 宮内庁楽部: the music department of the Imperial Household Agency 宮内庁次長: Vice-Grand Steward of the Imperial Household 国土庁長官: 国土庁長官 こくどちょうちょうかん Director General of National Land Agency 文化庁長官: 1. Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs 2. chief of the Cultural Affairs Agency 林野庁長官: Director-General of the Forestry Agency 気象庁長官: Director-General of the Meteorological Agency 水産庁長官: Director-General of the Fisheries Agency 消防庁長官: Director-General of Fire-Defense Agency 特許庁長官: Commissioner of Patents / Director-General of the Patent Office 環境庁長官: 環境庁長官 かんきょうちょうちょうかん Director General of Environment Agency 総務庁長官: Director-General of the Management and Coordination Agency 警察庁長官: 1. Commissioner General 2. Director-General of the National Police Agency 防衛庁長官: 防衛庁長官 ぼうえいちょうちょうかん Director General of Defence Agency 食糧庁長官: Director-General of the Food Agency