- Director-General of the Forestry Agency
林野庁: 林野庁 りんやちょう Forest Service
帝室林野庁森林官: official of the Imperial Forestry Agency
国土庁長官: 国土庁長官 こくどちょうちょうかん Director General of National Land Agency
宮内庁長官: Grand Steward of the Imperial Household
文化庁長官: 1. Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs 2. chief of the Cultural Affairs Agency
気象庁長官: Director-General of the Meteorological Agency
水産庁長官: Director-General of the Fisheries Agency
消防庁長官: Director-General of Fire-Defense Agency
特許庁長官: Commissioner of Patents / Director-General of the Patent Office
環境庁長官: 環境庁長官 かんきょうちょうちょうかん Director General of Environment Agency
総務庁長官: Director-General of the Management and Coordination Agency
警察庁長官: 1. Commissioner General 2. Director-General of the National Police Agency
防衛庁長官: 防衛庁長官 ぼうえいちょうちょうかん Director General of Defence Agency
食糧庁長官: Director-General of the Food Agency
エネルギー庁長官: Energy Secretary〔米国〕