he might go to the house , try and get a message ... 彼家に帰るかも試して伝言を得よう
that's why i was late coming home , right ? 僕が家に帰るの 結構 遅い時間になっちゃっただろ?
radar's jammed . it's coming from the chopper . サラ、聞えるかい 愛してる、すぐ家に帰るよ。
and whenever he came home , it was a different case . 父が家に帰ると日常は一変します
that's how it looks like when you send everyone home . 皆が家に帰ると、こうなります
実家に帰る: go home to (see) one's parents [mother, mama] 家に帰る時: 家に帰る時 いえにかえるとき when returning home 家に帰る口実: excuse to go home 家に帰る途中: on my way home 無事家に帰る: return safe to one's home 車で家に帰る: drive home まっすぐ家に帰る: 1. make a beeline for home 2. take a direct route home サボって家に帰る: cut ~ and go home〔~を〕 仕事から家に帰る: come home from work 休日に実家に帰る: go home for the holidays 夜遅く家に帰る: come home late at night 大急ぎで家に帰る: 1. fly home 2. tear home 家に帰る途中で 1: on one's homeward way 家に帰る途中で 2 on one's way home (from)〔~から〕 家に帰る途中に: on the ride home〔車で〕 急いで家に帰る: 1. make tracks home 2. rush home