- because the nation's birthrate is in decline
少子化のせいで: because of fewer children
少子化: 1. a dwindling number of children 2. decrease in the number of children 3. falling birthrate 4. low fertility 5. reduced birthrate 6. sharp drop in the birthrate
この少子化の時代に: in this day and age of declining birthrate
今日の少子化の時代に: in this day and age of declining birthrate
少子化の流れを変える: reverse the trend towards a declining birthrate
少子化で: due to the low birthrate
少子化傾向: 1. downward trend in the birthrate 2. trend toward fewer children per family
少子化対策: countermeasures to the falling birthrate
少子化社会: society with fewer children
より一層の関係強化のために: for the further strengthening of the relationship
両国の関係強化のために協力する: work together to strengthen bilateral relations
浄化のために空気にさらす: 【他動】 aerate
経済活性化のために減税を優先する: prioritize tax reductions to stimulate the economy
設備の老朽化のために閉館する: close due to antiquated equipment
防衛強化のために(人)を雇い入れる: bring in someone to fortify defenses