- In the event of conflict of provision between working regulations and the enterprise agreement with labor, the latter will prevail.
労働協約による規定: regulations according to the labor agreement
労働協約: 労働協約 ろうどうきょうやく labor agreement
仮の労働協約: tentative labor contract
労働協約条項: labor agreement clause
包括的労働協約: Collective Bargaining Agreement〈米〉〔球団オーナーと MLPA(メジャーリーグ選手組合)との間に交わされた選手契約や待遇などに関する協約〕《野球》
本契約にこれと矛盾する規定があっても: anything to the contrary in this agreement notwithstanding
労働組合は組合員のために使用者と労働協約の締結そのほかの事項に関して団体交渉をする権限を持つ: A labor union has the authority to enter into an enterprise agreement with the employer and to conduct other collective negotiations on behalf of its member workers.
両文書の規定が矛盾する場合: when the provisions of the two documents conflict
労働協議会: trade board
ある場合において: in a certain case
政府が定めた労働規約に従う: obey the government stipulations on manpower
条約に従う: adhere to a treaty
時間外労働協定: 1. agreement on overtime 2. agreement on working hours
本契約にこれと矛盾する定めがあっても: anything to the contrary in this agreement notwithstanding
ある場合においては: in one instance