右側にお立ちください。: Please stand on the right.〔エスカレーター;《掲》〕 どうぞお立ちください: Stand up, please. 扉から離れてお立ちください: Stand clear of the elevator doors, please.〔エレベーターで〕 近くにお越しの際は、是非お茶を飲みに気軽にお立ち寄りください。: Please feel very welcome to drop around for a cup of tea if you are passing by. 切らずにお待ちください: Please hang on.《電話》 《末文》近くにお越しの際はどうぞお立ち寄りください。: If you're ever in the neighborhood be sure to drop in. ; Please drop in and see us when you happen to come this way. ご遠慮なくいつでも新しい事務所にお立ち寄りください: Feel free to drop by our new office any time. いつでもお立ち寄りください: Please come by any time. いつでもお立ち寄りください。 Please drop by anytime. いつでもお立ち寄りください。: Please drop by anytime. いつでもお立ち寄りください Please come by any time. ぜひまた、うちへもお立ち寄りください。: Please come and visit us sometime.〔あいさつ〕 こちらへおいでの節はお立ち寄りください: 1. Drop at our house if you happen to come this way. 2. Drop in on us if you happen to come this way. そのまま切らずにお待ちください: Please hold the line (for a moment.). / Hold the line, please. / Would you hold the line, please?〔電話を取り次ぐとき〕 白線の内側にお下がりください。: Please stand back behind the white line. 白線より内側にお下がりください: Please stay back of the white line. 《末文》今度近くにいらしたらぜひお立ち寄りください。: Don't forget to drop in the next time you're passing through.