endure some pain arising from the opening of one's markets
傷の痛みに耐える: bear the pain of one's wound 不良債権処理進展に伴う痛みに耐える: endure the pains of moving forward with writing off bad loans 貿易縮小の痛みに耐える: bear the pain of reductions in trade 痛みに耐える: stomach the pain 明日のために今の痛みに耐える: suffer pain today for the sake of tomorrow 痛みを伴う改革に耐える: put up with painful reforms 痛みに耐える方法を学ぶ: learn how to live through the pain 重みに耐える: bear the weight of〔~の〕 経済改革の痛みや負担に耐える: bear the pain and burden of economic reforms 歯を食い縛って迫り来る痛みに耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 痛みに耐える能力が著しく異なる: differ remarkably in ability to tolerate [withstand] pain 市場開放: 市場開放 いちばかいほう market opening 市場開放策: market-opening measure いくつかの指図を伝える: pass on some instructions いくつかの芸を覚える: learn a few tricks