負担に耐える: bear a burden 傷の痛みに耐える: bear the pain of one's wound 改革の痛み: 1. pains attendant on reforms〔2001年の流行語大賞〕 2. pains of reform 貿易縮小の痛みに耐える: bear the pain of reductions in trade 国民にある程度の痛みや負担をもたらす: bring about some pain and burden on the public 痛みを伴う改革に耐える: put up with painful reforms 財務上の重い負担に耐える: bear the heavy financial burdens 混乱克服のための痛みを伴う経済改革: a painful economic program to fight the crisis 痛みに耐える: stomach the pain 経済改革の公約: economic reform pledges 経済改革の実施: implementation of economic reforms 経済改革の実行: implementation of economic reforms 経済改革の強化: enhanced economic reforms 経済改革の推進: furtherance of economic reforms 経済改革の研究会: study group on economic reforms