痛みを伴う改革: 1. painful reforms 2. reform accompanied by pain 痛みを伴う構造改革という内科治療に耐える: endure the painful medicine of structural reforms 改革に耐える: tighten belts for reforms 急速かつ時に痛みを伴う改革を強いる: impose rapid and sometimes painful restructuring 痛みを伴う改革の必要性を共有する: share the necessity of painful reforms 痛みを伴う改革を受け入れやすくする: make the painful reforms more acceptable 痛みを伴う: 1. be accompanied by pain 2. involve pain 痛みを伴う構造改革: painful structural reform 痛みを伴う死: painful death 改革に伴う痛み: pain that will accompany the reforms 痛みに耐える: stomach the pain 広範囲な構造改革に耐える: endure extensive restructuring 混乱克服のための痛みを伴う経済改革: a painful economic program to fight the crisis 痛みを伴うが必須の経済改革: painful but necessary structural reforms 痛みを伴うしこり: painful lump