痛みを伴うが必須の経済改革: painful but necessary structural reforms 相当の痛みを伴う: bring a considerable amount of pain 痛みを伴う経済の適応措置: wrenching adjustments in the economy 痛みを伴う改革: 1. painful reforms 2. reform accompanied by pain ある程度の痛みを伴う: entail a certain degree of pain 痛みを伴う: 1. be accompanied by pain 2. involve pain 経済危機克服のための政策を実施する: implement policy to overcome the economic crisis 経済危機克服のための政策を実行する: implement policy to overcome the economic crisis 経済危機克服のための政策を遂行する: implement policy to overcome the economic crisis 痛みを伴う改革に耐える: put up with painful reforms 痛みを伴う構造改革: painful structural reform 痛みを伴う死: painful death こわばりを伴う筋肉の痛みを感じる: feel a tightening pain in the muscle 経済改革の痛みや負担に耐える: bear the pain and burden of economic reforms 急速かつ時に痛みを伴う改革を強いる: impose rapid and sometimes painful restructuring