ある程度の犠牲を伴う: make some degree of sacrifice 相当の痛みを伴う: bring a considerable amount of pain ある程度の~を伴って: with some degree of 痛みを伴う: 1. be accompanied by pain 2. involve pain 国民にある程度の痛みや負担をもたらす: bring about some pain and burden on the public ある程度の危険を伴って: with a certain degree of risk ある程度の: 1. a certain level of 2. a measure of 3. certain degree of 4. certain measure of 5. degree of 6. healthy sprinkling 痛みを伴う死: painful death こわばりを伴う筋肉の痛みを感じる: feel a tightening pain in the muscle 混乱克服のための痛みを伴う経済改革: a painful economic program to fight the crisis ある程度犠牲を伴うことを覚悟する: be prepared to make some degree of sacrifice 痛みを伴うしこり: painful lump 痛みを伴う対策: remedy that might be painful 痛みを伴う手術: painful operation 痛みを伴う改革: 1. painful reforms 2. reform accompanied by pain