- I punched him in the face and my knuckles are still sore from it.
彼は壁を殴って指関節を痛めた: He hurt a knuckle when he punched the wall.
げんこつ: げんこつ 拳骨 fist
げんこつ筋: げんこつ筋 dog mark[化学]〈97確L0220:繊維用語―検査部門〉; dog streak[化学]〈97確L0220:繊維用語―検査部門〉
彼は彼女の顔を正面から殴った: He hit her square in the face.
げんこつの雨: shower of blows
指関節: 1. joint of the finger 2. knuckle 3. knuckle joint 4. phalangeal joint
げんこつでの一撃: fisticuff
げんこつで殴る 1: use one's fists げんこつで殴る 2 【他動】 fist げんこつで殴る 3 put [lay] the blast on〈米俗〉〔人を〕
げんこつパンチ: dozer〈米俗〉
力いっぱい彼を殴った後、彼の目を見ることができなかった: I couldn't look him in the eye, having hit him with all my strength.
サムにあばずれと呼ばれたので、サリーは彼の顔を殴りつけた: Sally punched Sam in the face when he called her a bitch.
身を引いて構えてからあいつの顔を思い切り殴った: I hauled off and slugged him hard in his face.
手の指節間関節: articulationes interphalangeae manus
たげん: たげん 他言 telling others revealing to others letting out a secret 多言 talkativeness verbosity garrulity 多元 pluralistic
顔を殴って目の周りにあざを作る: give someone a black (eye)〔人の〕