彼の顔を殴ったげんこつ[手の指関節]がまだ痛む。: I punched him in the face and my knuckles are still sore from it. 足を痛めた: 【形】 footsore 彼はひざの靱帯を痛めた: He tore the ligaments in his knee. 痛めた指の関節をしゃぶる: suck on the sore knuckles 彼は最近の訓練で膝腱を痛めた: He pulled his hamstring recently in training. 指関節を軽くたたく: rap someone's knuckles 足を痛めた巡礼者: footsore pilgrim 指関節: 1. joint of the finger 2. knuckle 3. knuckle joint 4. phalangeal joint 彼は最近のトレーニングで膝腱を痛めた: He pulled his hamstring recently in training. 彼は相手を殴って死亡させたことで逮捕された: He was arrested in fatal beating. ゴルフで腰を痛めたという言い訳を使って~する: use the I-hurt-my-back-golfing excuse to 自分の腹を痛めた子: one's own child 子どもの指関節を軽くたたく: rap someone on [over] the knuckles 頭を殴って手を折る: break one's hand on someone's head〔人の〕 頭を殴って手を骨折する: break one's hand on someone's head〔人の〕