- He went out and invested in the technology himself.
わざわざ~したくない: can't be bothered
わざわざ自費で~をビデオに撮る: go to the trouble at one's own expense of videotaping
わざわざ: わざわざ 態々 態態 expressly specially doing something especially rather than incidentally
わざわざ 1: 1. all the way 2. the whole nine yards わざわざ 2 【副】 purposely
わざわざ(~)する: 【自動】 bother わざわざ~する 1 1. be kind enough to 2. bother to 3. disturb oneself by 4. go out and do 5. go out of one's way 6. go out of one's way to 7. go to (all) the trouble to / go to (great) trou
ざわざわ: ざわざわ noisy sound of people talking
わざわざ一からやり直す: 1. invent the wheel 2. reinvent the wheel
彼はわざわざ時間を割いて東京を案内してくれた。: He took the time to show me around Tokyo.
わざわざ~しない: not bother
わざわざ~する 1: 1. be kind enough to 2. bother to 3. disturb oneself by 4. go out and do 5. go out of one's way 6. go out of one's way to 7. go to (all) the trouble to / go to (great) trouble to 8. go to the bother
わざわざ~へ行く: 1. go all the way to 2. venture to
彼女はわざわざ料理など作らない: She doesn't bother to cook.
今日はわざわざお時間を頂いて本当にありがとうございました。: I really want to thank you for your time today.
その仕事をやってもお金がもらえないなら、わざわざ自ら進んでやることはない。: If you are not going to get paid for the job, you are not going to step up and do it.
祖父は全財産をその会社に投資した: Grandfather invested all his money in that company.