- He endangers his health by drinking excessively.
健康に良いと信じ込んでジョギングをやり過ぎて健康を損なう人: obligate runner
彼は飲み過ぎて、バーの外で吐いた: He drank too much and vomited outside the bar.
健康を損なった: 【形】 impaired
酒を飲み過ぎて出来上がっている: have [be] three [two, both, four] sheets in [to] the wind〈俗〉〔 【語源】 船の帆の角度を調節するためのロープ(sheet)が緩んでいる時に風が吹くと、船が酔ったように傾くことから〕
働き過ぎて健康を害する: ruin one's health by working too hard
健康を損なう: 健康を損なう けんこうをそこなう to lose one's health
喫煙をやめることによって健康を損なうリスクを減らす: reduce the risk to one's health by stopping smoking
昨夜は飲み過ぎてしまった: Against my better judgment, I drank too much last night.
進み過ぎている: way ahead of one's time
薬を飲み過ぎて頭がボーッとしている: be doped up to the eyes
飲み過ぎて舌がザラザラしている: have a mouth like the bottom of a birdcage
健康を損なう 1: 1. abuse one's health 2. fall ill 3. fall into ill health 4. get [become] ill 5. injure one's health 6. lose one's health 7. one's health breaks down 8. ruin one's health 9. slip into poor health 健康
健康を損なうこと: loss of health
健康を損なうな。: Don't ruin your health.
健康を損なわせる: have someone suffer with his health〔人の〕