reduce the risk to one's health by stopping smoking
健康を損なうこと: loss of health 健康を損なう: 健康を損なう けんこうをそこなう to lose one's health 健康に良いと信じ込んでジョギングをやり過ぎて健康を損なう人: obligate runner リスクを減らす: reduce risk ~のリスクを減らす: reduce the risk of 喫煙をやめる: 1. give up the habit of smoking 2. knock off smoking 健康を損なう 1: 1. abuse one's health 2. fall ill 3. fall into ill health 4. get [become] ill 5. injure one's health 6. lose one's health 7. one's health breaks down 8. ruin one's health 9. slip into poor health 健康健康を損なうな。: Don't ruin your health. 彼は飲み過ぎて健康を損なっている: He endangers his health by drinking excessively. 健康または環境を損なう不当なリスクを呈する: present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment 精神的健康を損なう危険に身をさらす: run the danger of damaging the mental health 健康を損ねることになる: lead to ill health 急にやめることによって生じる: be caused by the abrupt cessation of〔~を〕 急にやめることによって起こる: be caused by the abrupt cessation of〔~を〕 突然やめることによって生じる: be caused by the abrupt cessation of〔~を〕