do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself
後任者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように最善を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself 後継者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように意を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself 自分が確実に勝てるように力を尽くす: make sure that one is going to win なぜ(人)は任務を遂行できるのか: what makes someone able to do his work 時よりももっと: more so than in〔~の〕 患者が自立できるようにする: enable patients to remain self-reliant 優れた指導力を発揮できるよう最善を尽くす: try one's best to provide the able leadership 意を尽くす: fully express one's feelings 時よりもっとやせている: get thinner since〔~の〕 義務を尽くす: 1. discharge one's duty〔通例複数形の duties で〕 2. do one's duty 3. fulfill one's obligations もっと簡単に入手できるようになる: become more readily available 私は、もっと英語ができるようになりたい: I want to improve my English. いい結末になるように最善を尽くす: do everything in one's power to assure there is a happy ending 期待に答えるように最善を尽くす: do one's best to live up to someone's expectations〔人の〕 この子、もっと自分で何でもできるようにならないと。: He needs to be more self-disciplined.〔親が子どもについて話す〕