- make sure that one is going to win
創立に力を尽くす: be instrumental in the founding of〔~の〕
改革に力を尽くす: work for reform of〔~の〕
力を尽くす: 力を尽くす ちからをつくす to exert oneself to make efforts
遅れずに支払えるよう全力を尽くす: do one's utmost to ensure the payment without delay
いい結末になるように最善を尽くす: do everything in one's power to assure there is a happy ending
期待に答えるように最善を尽くす: do one's best to live up to someone's expectations〔人の〕
死力を尽くす: 死力を尽くす しりょくをつくす to make frantic efforts
優れた指導力を発揮できるよう最善を尽くす: try one's best to provide the able leadership
ご期待に沿えるように全力を尽くします。: I will do my utmost to live up to your expectations.
後任者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように意を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself
後任者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように最善を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself
後継者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように意を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself
全力を尽くす 1: 1. apply oneself properly 2. bear down 3. break one's neck 4. do all one can 5. do everything in [within] (the [one's]) power 6. do one's endeavors 7. do one's level best 8. do one's possible 9. do
微力を尽くす 1: do one's bit 微力を尽くす 2 contribute one's mite to〔~に〕 微力を尽くす 3 do what one can (for)〔~のために〕
死力を尽くす 1: 1. do one's utmost 2. make desperate efforts 3. make frantic efforts 死力を尽くす 2 devote one's full strength to〔~に〕