do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself
後任者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように意を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself 後継者が自分の時よりもっと良く業務を遂行できるように意を尽くす: do one's best to ensure that one's successor can go on to perform better than one did oneself いい結末になるように最善を尽くす: do everything in one's power to assure there is a happy ending 期待に答えるように最善を尽くす: do one's best to live up to someone's expectations〔人の〕 ~できるように最善を尽くしていただけると助かります。: I would appreciate your trying your best to 期待に沿うように最善を尽くす: do one's best to live up to someone's expectations〔人の〕 期待に背かぬように最善を尽くす: do one's best to live up to someone's expectations〔人の〕 優れた指導力を発揮できるよう最善を尽くす: try one's best to provide the able leadership 自分の最善を尽くす: give of one's best 自分の患者に最善を尽くそうとする: try and do the best for one's patient 事件解決に最善を尽くす: do one's utmost to resolve the case 人質解放に最善を尽くす: make the utmost efforts for the release of the hostages 問題解決に最善を尽くす: make the utmost effort to settle the problem 最善を尽くす: 最善を尽くす さいぜんをつくす to do one's best to do something to the best of one's ability 満足させるよう最善を尽くす: do one's best to satisfy〔人を〕