- Education polishes good natures, and correcteth bad ones.
素直な性格: 1. flexible character 2. straightforward character
率直な性格: open nature
性格をして: with a disposition to match〔~にふさわしい〕
性格を現す: reveal one's character
性格を示す: indicative of someone's character〔人の〕
宗教的な性格を帯びる: assume a religious character
悪しきを正す: set a wrong to right
性格を変える: 1. alter one's nature 2. change one's personality
性格を帯びる: take on the character [characteristics] of〔~の〕
性格を強める: strengthen someone's character〔人の〕
性格を形作る: dictate someone's attitudes〔人の〕
性格を演じる: play the personality of〔~の〕
効能がある 1: 【形】 potent 効能がある 2 have efficacy as〔~としての〕
itのグローバルな性格を考慮に入れる: consider the global nature of IT
ますます複合的な性格を帯びる: assume an increasingly multi-disciplinary character