- I think it also depends on the people and the culture. When we went to Thailand, things were very cheap, although they were a little dirty. But we had a great time because we were with good friends and we had some good times.
まだ2回しか行ってないけど、どちらもすごく楽しかったわ。: I have only had two lessons so far but they have both been really fun.
すごく楽しかった。: I have [We've] had a great time.
ものすごく楽しかったし、あの時はとっても良かったの。: And it was a lot of fun, and it was really cool then, you know.
よかったね!でも家からちょっと遠いんじゃない?: Good! But it's a little far from your home, isn't it?
私の本はちょっと粗削りなんだけど、それ以上の時間を執筆に費やすことができなかったんだ: My book is a little rough around the edges, but I couldn't afford to spend any more time on it.
ああ、忘れられないよ。すごく楽しかった!: Oh, it was unforgettable. We had a great time!
彼は子どもたちと遊び、とても楽しい時間を過ごすことができた: He got a lot of enjoyment out of playing with his children.
で、学べることも知識の量もものすごく多かったから、とてもよかったんだけど、そこの学生たちって、すべての時間を勉強に費やしてるんだよね。: I had a great time because there was a lot of learning and a lot of knowledge, but the students spent all of their time studying.
ええ、でも彼女って、本当にかわいかったわよね! だけどあの子は頭もすごくいいし、そういうのってほら、とっても格好いいわよね。: Yeah, but she was so cute! But she's really intelligent as well, which is, you know, pretty cool, you know?
でも、高かったんじゃないの?: Wasn't that expensive, though?
パーティーはすごく楽しかった。: We had a hell of a good time at the party.
楽しかった?: 1. Did you have a good time? 2. Did you have fun?
すごく楽しい時間を過ごす: have a cracking good time
私たちはいつも一緒にすごく楽しい時間を過ごしている。: We've always had such a fun time together.
うちの大学にはソロリティはなかったと思うけど、私は学生用住宅に住んでたから、おそらくそれによく似た経験をしたんじゃないかと思う。: I don't think there was a sorority at my university, but I lived in a residence and probably had a similar experience.