- When I wrote my first paper I did not understand the background of my theory so well.
受賞したとき、私は驚いて、何が起こったのか理解できなかった: When I won the award, I was too surprised to take in what had happened.
関する(人)の心配がよく理解できる: well understand someone's anxieties in〔~に〕
~のことがよく理解できない: be hazy about
彼は物を書き始めたとき、書いているものを一切誰にも見せなかった。: When he started to write, he wouldn't let anyone see anything he was doing.
トッドは自分の車が爆発したと言ったとき、うそはついていなかった: Todd was on the level when he said that his car exploded.
最初にその本を読んだとき、理解できたと思った。: The first time I read the book, I felt I understood it.
母に手紙を書いたが、とても忙しかったので封筒に母の名前しか書いていなかった。: I wrote a letter to my mother and I was really busy so all I did was I wrote her name on it.
(that以下)はよく理解できる。: It's not difficult to understand that
予想もしていなかったときに: at an unexpected moment
この論文を書いたのはだれだろう?すごく論理的な書き手だね。: Who wrote this article? It's somebody that's pretty logical.
最初のクレームに含まれていなかった事項: matter not originally claimed
心の準備ができていなかった。: I wasn't prepared for it.
ボブがいないと夜眠れないの。この前彼がいなかったとき羊を数えたの。翌朝彼が帰って来たときには5万匹になっていたわ: With Bob gone, I just find it so hard to sleep at night. Last time he went away, I tried counting sheep. By the time he got home the next morning, I was up to 50,000.
「申し訳ないけど、意図がよく理解できないわ」「よく考えてごらん」: "Sorry, but I don't get it." "Well, think about it. [think it over carefully.]"
その演劇はあまりよくなかった。その上俳優たちも十分な準備ができていなかった: The play was not very good; furthermore, the actors were not well prepared.