- Instinct is often a poor guide.
~がたびたびあった。: There have been frequent instances of
~にはたびたびあることだが: as is frequent with
たびたびある目撃: frequent sightings
本能に従う: follow one's instincts
の初期段階では診断を誤ることがある: sometimes fail to diagnose the onset of〔病気など〕
たびたび: たびたび 度々 度度 often repeatedly frequently
たびたび 1: 1. half the time 2. on many occasions 3. very frequently たびたび 2 【副】 1. frequently 2. often 3. repeatedly
たびたびの: 【形】 1. frequent〔 【frequent に結び付く名詞(頻度順)】 flyer, guest, heartburn, visitor, trips, target, critic, contributor〕 2. hourly 3. repeated
たびたび手掛けたことのある仕事: work someone is used [accustomed] to〔人が〕
流れと本能に従うことの重要性: importance of going with flow and instincts
道を誤る 1: 1. go wrong 2. miss one's calling〔 【直訳】 神のお召しをミスする〕 3. take a wrong turn 道を誤る 2 take the wrong path〔人生の〕
たびあきんど: たびあきんど 旅商人 peddler
たびたび歩いて道を踏みならす: beat a path
再発がたびたび繰り返されると: as relapses become more frequent
たびたびの失恋: repeated heartbreaks