- It's a pain to make her lunch every day. But when I think of her health, this is the best thing to do.〔親が子どもの弁当作りについて話す〕
毎日お弁当作るの、面倒くさいなあ。: I wish I didn't have to make her lunch every day.〔親が子どもの弁当作りについて話す〕
毎日ケイタのお弁当作るの面倒くさいなあ。あの子大食らいだし。高校にも給食があればいいのに……: I'm tired of making Keita's lunch everyday. He's such a big eater. I hope his high school serves school lunches.
どうするのが一番良いかを考える: think of what the best thing to do
うーん、でもうちには犬がいるのよ。でもあの子、全然犬の面倒見ないのよ。: Well, we have a dog. But she doesn't take care of him at all.
あの子のお弁当8年も作ってきて、もうほんっとうにうんざりなのよね!: I've been making her lunch every day for 8 years and I'm sick and tired of it!
「また一緒に働こうよ」「そうねえ。私もまた仕事したいの。でも今のところ、あの子たちと一緒にいるのが1番なのよ。/あの子たちと一緒にいるべきだと思うのよ」: "Why don't you come back to us?" "I know. I wanna go back to work. But for now, the best thing to do is to stay with them."〔退職〕
そうよね… でもあの子があの制服着てるの、本当に見たかったのよね…: I know. But I really wanted to see my daughter in that uniform.
子どもはどうするの? (あの子たちは)私が必要なのよ。: What about the kids? They need me.
毎朝早起きしてお弁当作るのがどんなに大変か、あなたわかんないのね。分かりました。じゃ、明日から自分でお弁当作ってね。: You have no idea what it's like to get up early and make lunch every morning. OK. You make your own lunch from tomorrow.
分かった… でも私があの子の面倒をいつも見てるの、当たり前だと思わないでよね。私だってあなたと同じように、フルタイムで働いてるんだからね。: OK... But don't take it for granted that I always watch him. I'm working full-time, just like you.
クリスはたった一人の子どもなのよ!あの子が遠くに行ってしまったら、誰が私たちの面倒見るの?!: Chris is the only one kid! If she goes far away, who's gonna take care of us?!
これが一番いい方法なのよ。あの子はお金がなくなるのがイヤだから、私に嘘をつかないの。もしあの子が失うものがなかったら、あの子はこれからも嘘をつき続けるわよ。: This is the best way. She doesn't wanna lose money, so she doesn't lie to me. If there is nothing for her to lose, she just keeps lying.
私が毎週末、あの子の面倒を見てるのよ。1回くらい見てくれたっていいじゃない?: I'm watching him every weekend. Doesn't hurt to watch him just once, does it?
うちの子を叱る前に、いつも10数えてるの。でもあの子が目の前にいる限り、怒りが抑えきれないのよね。: I always count to 10 before I yell at my son, but when he's right in front of me, I can't hold my anger.
「あの子、ほかの子よりずっと走るのが遅いの。頑張って走ってるみたいなんだけど、でもすごく遅いのよねえ…」「あの子、家の中で遊ぶの好きだからな。そのせいかもよ。明日はあの子を公園に連れてこう」: "She runs much slower than the other kids. It looks like she's trying really hard, but she's so slow." "She likes to play inside. That may be why. Let's take her out to the park tomorrow."〔夫婦の会話(妻→夫