It is getting tiring to have to drag my old bones up all these stairs every day.
玄関の階段を上がる: walk up the front steps 階段を上がる: 1. walk up stairs [steps] 2. walk upstairs 出世の階段を上がっていく: work one's way up the corporate ladder 私は生まれてこの方ずっと歌ってきた。: I have been singing all my life. 生まれてこの方毎日のように森に入ってきた: have been in the forest on a daily basis one's entire life 手すりにつかまって階段を上がる: walk up stairs holding on to the railing どしどしと階段を上がる: clunk up the stairs 急いで階段を上がる: hasten upstairs 成功の階段を上る: 1. climb the success ladder 2. scale the ladder of success 政界の階段を上る: 1. ascend the political career ladder 2. move higher up the political ladder 権力の階段を上る: climb the ladder of power 駅の階段を上る: climb up the stairs in the station 階段を駆け上がると(人)が倒れているのを見つけた: run up the stairs to find someone lying お教えしますよ。あの階段を上がって、表示をたどればいいんです: I'll show you. Go up those stairs and follow the signs. 出世の階段を上ってaからbになる: rise [ascend, move up, advance, progress, work one's way] through the ranks from A to B