require damages to be paid in accordance with the Civil Code
民法上の賠償金を払う必要がある: require damages to be paid in accordance with the Civil Code 民法に基づいて賠償義務がある: require damages to be paid in accordance with the Civil Code 注意を払う必要がある: Attention needs to be paid to〔~に〕 彼にお金を払う必要があるのに、実は今、私は文なしだ: Although I need to pay him money, as it is now, I am broke. これまで同様の努力を払う必要がある。: There is the need to work just as hard as ever. 際には細心の注意を払う必要がある: have to be very careful when〔~する〕 今はフリーで働いているので、自分で健康保険料を払う必要がある。: Now that I'm working on my own, I have to pay for my health insurance. 賠償金を払う 1: 1. pay indemnification 2. pay ransom 賠償金を払う 2 1. give an indemnity (of) 2. pay an indemnity of〔~の〕 法に基づいて裁く: bring someone to justice〔人を〕 巨額の賠償金を払う: pay a huge indemnity 洗う必要がある 1: needs to wash〔自分で〕 洗う必要がある 2 need washing〔他人が〕〔主語を〕 テロ対策法に基づいて: under legislation to combat terrorism お金をもうけたいなら、お金を使う必要があるよ: If you want to make money, you need to spend money. に基づいて: に基づいて にもとづいて based on on the basis of 傷口を縫う必要がある: require stitches