- There were signs of a forced entry.
押し入った形跡: sign of forcible entry
無理やり押し込む: 【他動】 wedge
…に無理やり押し込む: wedge ~ into〔~を〕
体を無理やり押し込む: squeeze oneself into〔~に〕
無理やり押し付ける: force [cram, push, shove, stuff, thrust, ram] ~ down someone's throat〔~を〕〔人に〕
身を無理やり押し込む: squeeze hideously into〔~に〕
争った形跡がないこと: no signs of a struggle
無理やり入り込んだ形跡: signs of forced entry
形跡がある: show signs of〔~の〕
無理やり…に押し付ける: force [shove, ram, push, cram, stuff, thrust] ~ down the throats of〔~を〕
無理やり車に押し込む: force someone into a car〔人を〕
無理やり: 無理やり むりやり forcibly against one's will
無理やりに: 1. by head and shoulders / by the head and ears 2. by main [sheer] force
去年の冬、10代の若者が数人押し入った: Some teenagers broke in last winter.
若い不良たちがその家に押し入った: The young punks broke into the house.