Our troubles were compounded by Father's sudden death.
事態がさらにこじれる: end up making the situation even worse 厄介な問題が伴う: be not without complications 厄介な問題: 1. awkward question 2. bad news 3. complex question 4. complication 5. deep trouble 6. difficult problem 7. difficult task 8. formidable problem 9. hassle 10. hot potato 11. knotty issue 12. pesky pという厄介な問題がある: have a bothersome problem that〔that以下〕 その厄介な問題から逃げ腰になる: back away from the bothersome issue 別の厄介な問題を抱えている: have got a different kettle of fish 厄介な問題が起こらないように: lest embarrassment be caused 政府にとって厄介な問題が持ち上がる: raise thorny issues for the government こじれた問題: deep trouble その秘密を認めることで厄介な問題が起こる: occur the perplexing problem to confess the secret この厄介な問題のおかげで、彼はだいぶやせてしまった: This worrying trouble caused him to lose much weight. 将来の厄介な問題を避けようとする必死の試みをたたえる: praise a desperate attempt to avoid future problem 愛する人の突然の死: sudden loss of a loved one 最愛の人の突然の死: sudden loss of a loved one これは厄介な問題だ: This issue is a hot potato.