get suspended terms over death of __-month-old baby
_年の執行猶予付き死刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to death with a __ year reprieve 執行猶予付きの判決を受ける: be given a suspended prison term 懲役_年執行猶予_年の判決を受ける: 1. be sentenced to __ years in prison with __ years suspension of sentence 2. be sentenced to __ years in prison with probation of __ years 執行猶予付きの懲役_年の判決を言い渡される: be handed a suspended __-year prison term 執行猶予付きの懲役_カ月の刑を言い渡す: sentence someone to a suspended __-month prison term〔人に〕 生後_カ月の女の子の赤ちゃん: __-month-old girl 生後_カ月の男の子の赤ちゃん: __-month-old boy 業務上過失致死罪で執行猶予付き禁固_年の判決が下る: be sentenced to a suspended __-year prison term for professional negligence resulting in the death 執行猶予付きの判決: suspended sentence〔 【略】 ss〕 執行猶予付き懲役_年の判決: suspended __-year sentence 執行猶予付きの刑: probationary sentence 執行猶予が付く可能性のない終身刑の判決を受ける: be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole 執行猶予付きである: carry a suspended term 懲役_カ月執行猶予_年の判決: sentence of __ months in prison with a stay of execution for __ years 私たちの赤ちゃんは生後3カ月です: Our baby is three months old.