拘置判決を受ける: go to bat
判決を受ける: get a sentence
実刑判決を受ける: get a prison sentence
最高判決を受ける: receive maximum sentence for〔~で〕
軽い判決を受ける: get a light sentence
重い判決を受ける: 1. get a heavy sentence 2. receive a severe sentence
懲役刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to jail terms of〔~の〕
懲役_年の判決を受ける: 1. be sentenced to __ years in prison 2. be sentenced to __ years penal servitude
最高で_年の判決を受ける: carry a maximum __-year sentence〔罪状が〕
有罪の判決を受ける: 1. be condemned 2. take a fall〈警察用語〉
有罪判決を受ける 1: 1. be convicted in court 2. be pronounced guilty 有罪判決を受ける 2 be found guilty in〔~で〕
極刑の有罪判決を受ける: be convicted of capital crime
死刑判決を受ける 1: 1. be sentenced to death 2. draw a death rap 3. get [receive] the death sentence 4. receive a death sentence 5. receive the death penalty 死刑判決を受ける 2 receive sentence of death for〔~で〕
無期懲役の判決を受ける: 1. be sentenced to life in prison 2. get life imprisonment
詐欺で有罪判決を受ける: be convicted on charges of fraud