- comb out one's damp hair with a wide-tooth comb
もつれた髪をとかす: comb one's tangled hair
ぬれた髪を乾かす: dry wet hair
乱れた髪を手でとかす: run one's hand through one's untidy hair
乱れた髪を片手でとかす: run one's hand through one's untidy hair
髪をとかす: 1. comb back one's hair 2. comb one's head 3. run a comb through one's hair 4. slack it down
ぬれた髪を絞る: squeeze one's wet hair
死は同じくしで皆の髪をとかす。/どのような人もいつかは死ぬ。: Death combs us all with the same comb.
布目の粗い: of coarse texture
木目の粗い: 木目の粗い [肌理の粗い] adj. *rough /r?f/ 【S】 (表面が)ざらざらした, きめの粗い(?smooth)∥ rough skin きめの粗い皮膚 *coarse /k??rs/ 【S】 (生地?粒?肌などが)きめの粗い(?fine). (見出しへ戻る headword ? 木目)
目の粗い: 目の粗い めのあらい coarse (texture or grain)
目の粗い土: open soil
目の粗い布: 1. cloth of coarse fiber 2. coarse-textured cloth
目の粗い櫛: wide-tooth comb
目の粗い網: 1. large-mesh net 2. large-meshed net 3. net with large meshes
タオルでぬれた髪をたたくようにして水分を取る: pat one's hair dry with a towel