1. comb back one's hair 2. comb one's head 3. run a comb through one's hair 4. slack it down
she doesn't like to brush it . that's okay . 髪をとかすのが嫌いなの
then i'll brush yours . あなたの髪をとかすわ
手で髪をとかす: put one's hands through one's hair きちんと髪をとかす: do one's hair neatly もつれた髪をとかす: comb one's tangled hair ブラシで髪をとかす: run a brush through one's hair とかす〔髪を〕: 【他動】 dress 髪をとかした。: I combed my hair. 目の粗いくしでぬれた髪をとかす: comb out one's damp hair with a wide-tooth comb かみをとかす: かみをとかす 髪を梳かす to comb (one's hair) 髪をよくとかす: give one's hair a good brushing 死は同じくしで皆の髪をとかす。/どのような人もいつかは死ぬ。: Death combs us all with the same comb. 顔を洗って、髪をとかします。: I wash my face and comb my hair. 髪をとかして整える。: I comb out the tangles in my hair. 乱れた髪を手でとかす: run one's hand through one's untidy hair 乱れた髪を片手でとかす: run one's hand through one's untidy hair はんだをとかすこと: はんだをとかすこと 半田を溶かすこと sweating