- establish close relations with someone in a short time
列車の中で(人)と仲良くなる: make friends with someone in a train
電車の中で(人)と仲良くなる: make friends with someone in a train
イタリア人と仲良くなる: make close Italian friend
多くの人と仲良くなる: make many friends
大勢の人と仲良くなる: make many friends
特定の人物と仲良くなる: make friends with someone specific
たくさんの人と仲良くなる: make many friends
彼は会う人ほとんどと仲良くなる: He is at home with most people he meets.
仲良くなる 1: 1. get [become] friendly 2. get chummy 3. hit it off (well) 仲良くなる 2 【他動】 befriend 仲良くなる 3 1. bond with 2. make nicey-nice with〔~と〕 仲良くなる 4 get off〔異性と〕
この男と仲良くなったの?: Are you making friends with this man?
仲良くなる機会: chance to socialize with〔人と〕
大変仲良くなる: make best friends with〔~と〕
ほかの子どもたちと仲良くなるのにすごく苦労している子ども: child who has a very difficult time relating to other children
誰とでもすぐ仲良くなる: readily make friends with anybody and everybody
短期間に: 1. in a brief period of time 2. in a short period of time 3. over a short term 4. within a short period of time