The economy is in balance between inflation and recession.
一時的な景気後退: temporary recession 一時的な中断状態にある: be in a temporary state of suspension 持続的な景気後退: continuing recession 本格的な景気後退: serious recession 流動的な状態: melting pot 一時的な状態: temporary state 半永久的な景気後退: semipermanent recession 経済は大幅な景気後退を経験した: The economy went through a massive slowdown. 持続的な景気後退で促進される: be nurtured by the continuing recession 本格的な景気後退を引き起こす: trigger a serious recession 景気後退期にある: be in recession インフレとの戦い: 1. battle against inflation 2. fight against inflation インフレとの闘い: 1. attack on inflation 2. combating inflation 3. war on inflation 流動的な状況: 1. fluid situation 2. melting pot 一時的な状況: temporary situation