- improve existing laws to deal with emergencies
非常事態への対処を目的とし現行法を整備する: improve existing laws to deal with emergencies
緊急事態への対処態勢を充実させる: improve the state of preparedness against emergency situations
多様な事態への対処能力を確保する: ensure capabilities to deal with various situations
国内法を整備する: prepare domestic laws to〔~するための〕
さまざまな緊急事態への準備: preparedness against various emergencies
緊急事態に対処する: 1. deal with an emergency 2. deal with emergency situations 3. handle [deal with, manage] emergency 4. handle an emergency situation 5. hold a fort 6. respond to emergencies 7. respond to emergency
必要な国内法を整備する: provide for the necessary domestic legislation
予期せぬ事態への対処能力: ability to cope with an unexpected situation
事態への対処が極めて困難である: have extreme difficulty in coping with the situation
突発的な事態への対処能力: ability to cope with an unexpected situation
緊急事態の対応: response to an emergency situation
緊急事態に備えて準備する: prepare for an emergency
現行法を修正する: amend the existing law
現行法を改訂する: change the current law
非常事態への日本の対応に関する法律: laws on Japan's responses to emergencies