have extreme difficulty in coping with the situation
追跡は極めて困難である: be extremely difficult to trace 戦争状態であるかどうかを決めるのが極めて困難な時代: age in which it is extremely difficult to determine whether a crisis constitutes a state of war 老人にとって困難である: be arduous for elders 維持するのが極めて困難となる: become increasingly difficult to maintain 極めて困難な状況にある: be in an extremely difficult situation 予期せぬ事態への対処能力: ability to cope with an unexpected situation 多様な事態への対処能力を確保する: ensure capabilities to deal with various situations 突発的な事態への対処能力: ability to cope with an unexpected situation 緊急事態への対処態勢を充実させる: improve the state of preparedness against emergency situations 捕球が極めて困難なボールをキャッチすること: miracle catch 極めて困難な 1: 1. as easy as spearing an eel with a spoon 2. prohibitively difficult 極めて困難な 2 【形】 1. herculean〔時に Herculean〕 2. testing 極めて困難な時期: testing period 極めて困難な状況: hell and high water 緊急事態への対処を目的とし現行法を整備する: improve existing laws to deal with emergencies 非常事態への対処を目的とし現行法を整備する: improve existing laws to deal with emergencies