spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values
自分の価値観に合わないものに金を使う: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 自分の価値に合わないものに金をかける: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 自分の価値観に合わないものに金をかける: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 自分の価値観に見合うものに金を使う: spend money on things that are in alignment with one's values 自分の価値に見合うものに金をかける: spend money on things that are in alignment with one's values 自分の価値観に見合うものに金をかける: spend money on things that are in alignment with one's values 自分の稼ぎに合うように金を使え。: Lay your wame to your winning. 金まみれの価値のないものにする: turn ~ into a moneyed husk〔~を〕 金まみれの価値のないものに変える: turn ~ into a moneyed husk〔~を〕 子どものことに金を使う: spend one's money on one's child 本に金を使う: spend money on book 死に金を使う: 1. spend money to little purpose 2. spend money to no purpose 3. throw (one's) money away / throw away (one's) money 酒に金を使う: spend money on drink よく合わないもの: misfit 自分の好みに合わないこと: not my particular brand of vodka〈俗〉