spend money on things that are in alignment with one's values
自分の価値観に見合うものに金をかける: spend money on things that are in alignment with one's values 自分の価値に見合うものに金をかける: spend money on things that are in alignment with one's values 自分の価値観に合わないものに金を使う: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 自分の価値観に合わないものに金をかける: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 自分の価値に合わないものに金を使う: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 自分の価値に合わないものに金をかける: spend money on things that don't correspond with one's values 使う金に見合うものを手に入れる: obtain something that is of equal worth to the money 出費に見合うだけの価値: bang for the buck 努力に見合うだけの価値: bang for the buck 支出に見合うだけの価値: bang for the buck 支出に見合う最高の価値: most [best] bang for the [one's] buck〔サイン、広告などでよく使う〕 費用に見合う最高の価値: most [best] bang for the [one's] buck〔サイン、広告などでよく使う〕 自分の稼ぎに合うように金を使え。: Lay your wame to your winning. 払った金に見合うもの: money's worth 価値に見合う: reflect someone's value〔人の〕