She changed the subject to cover her embarrassment over her slip.
自分の失敗を隠すために(人)にうそをつく: lie to someone in order to cover up one's failure 論争を避けるために話題を変える: turn to other topics to avoid the dispute きまり悪さ: 1. abashment / abashedness 2. embarrassment 自分の罪を隠すために、彼女はうそをついた: To cover up her crime, she made up a lie. 円滑に話題を変える: smoothly change the subject 速やかに話題を変える: segue into〔~へと〕 恐怖心を隠すために笑う: laugh to cover one's fear 正体を隠すために~を装う: hide one's identity by pretending to 身元を隠すために~を装う: hide one's identity by pretending to 話題を変える: 1. change tack 2. change the channel 3. change the subject 4. move on 5. switch the conversation 6. talk about something else だますために~を変える: change ~ in order to deceive〔人を〕 感情を傷つけないように話題を変える: change the subject to spare someone's feelings〔人の〕 泣きだす前に話題を変える: change subject before someone starts crying〔人が〕 彼は、自分の男らしさを試すために軍隊に入った: He joined the army to test his manhood. 話題を変えよう: Let's change the subject.