- put oneself in the position of
自分を他の人の立場に置く: put oneself in the shoes of others
自分を困難な立場に置く: put oneself in a tough position
自分を大変な立場に置く: put oneself in a tough position
…と対等の立場に置く: put ~ on an equal footing with〔~を〕
対等の立場に置く 1: put ~ on equal footing〔~を〕 対等の立場に置く 2 place someone on an equal footing〔人を〕
厄介な立場に置く: put someone in an awkward position [situation]〔人を〕
困った立場に置く: get someone into a scrape〔人を〕
微妙な立場に置く: put someone in a delicate position〔人を〕
指導的立場に置く: put someone at the helm〔人を〕
有利な立場に置く: put someone on the inside track (for)〔~に対して〕〔人を〕
苦しい立場に置く: back ~ in [into] a corner〔~を〕
不利な立場に置く 1: 【他動】 disadvantage 不利な立場に置く 2 put one's at a disadvantage〔~を〕 不利な立場に置く 3 put someone at a disadvantage〔人を〕
支配的な立場に置く: put someone in the driver's seat〔人を〕
自らを難しい立場に置く: put oneself in a bad position
自分がその立場にいたら: if you were in the position