meanwhile , a disinherited son gonta visits his mother when his father is not home and takes some money from her . そんな中、勘当されている息子の権太が父親の目を盗んで訪れ、母に無心をして出行く。
人の目を盗んで: 1. by stealth 2. in secret [secrecy] 目を盗んで: without someone's seeing〔人の〕 人目を盗んで: 【副】 stealthily 上司の目を盗んで仕事をサボる: escape from the boss 同僚の目を盗んでデートする: date without letting on to one's co-workers 人目を盗んで会う 1: meet secretly [covertly, clandestinely, furtively, surreptitiously] (with)〔~と〕 人目を盗んで会う 2 meet someone secretly〔人と〕 人目を盗んで行動する: act in stealth 暇を盗んで: 1. at odd moments 2. at spare moments 3. in (one's) spare moments 人目を盗んだ: 【形】 1. furtive 2. stealthy 夜中に人目を盗んでこっそりと: stealthily at night 現金を盗んで逃げる: steal the cash and flee 現金を盗んで逃走する: steal the cash and flee 車を盗んで逮捕される: be arrested for stealing a car ~を盗んでいるのに気付く: see someone put ~ in his pocket〔人が〕 親の目をかすめる: deceive one's parents