You need a registration number to register with the police, but that's OK.
警察に届ける: turn in 銃を警察に届ける: hand a gun over to the police 子どもがいなくなったと警察に届ける: report the missing child to the police 拾い物を警察に届ける: hand over a find to the police 警察に届け出る 1: 1. alert police 2. file a police report 3. turn in 警察に届け出る 2 report ~ to the police〔~を〕 なくした財布を拾い警察に届ける: turn in someone's lost wallet to the police〔人が〕 落とし物を最寄りの警察に届ける: report a lost property to the nearest police station まあいいわよ…: OK. I guess. 不登録番号: unlisted number 登録番号: 登録番号 とうろくばんごう registration number 登録番号札: identification plate 登録番号標: identification plate 被害者にはよくあることだが、彼女は警察に届けたくないと思っている: As is often the case with victims, she doesn't want to tell the police. 車両登録番号: vehicle identification number [no.]〔 【略】 VIN〕 陸軍登録番号: Department of the Army registration number