- The police jostled me away without saying anything.
一言も言わずに 1: 1. in (dead) silence 2. without (saying) a word 一言も言わずに 2 without telling someone a word〔人に〕
何も言わずに 1: 1. without (a) remark 2. without comment 3. without saying anything 4. without uttering a word 何も言わずに 2 without telling〔人に〕
文句も言わずに: without criticism
~に不平も言わずに: without murmuring a word of complaint about
不平不満も言わずに: without criticism
何も言わずに我慢する: tolerate ~ with little complaint〔~を〕
何も言わずに耐える: tolerate ~ with little complaint〔~を〕
文句の一つも言わずに: without a murmur
~について不平も言わずに: without murmuring a word of complaint about
ひじで(人)を押しのける: elbow someone out of the way
手のひらで~を押しのける: hand off
押しのけ量: 押しのけ量 displacement[機械]
一言も言わず: 一言も言わず ひとこともいわず without saying a word
何も言わずにその場を立ち去る: leave the place without saying a word
何も言わずに怒りを込めた目で(人)を見る: say nothing but look daggers at