financial institution lacking in financial strength
金融機関の健全性: soundness of the financial institutions 健全性に問題のある金融機関: unsound financial institution 財務の健全性: financial strength 日本の金融機関の健全性: health of Japanese financial institutions 金融機関の健全性に対する危ぐが強まる: mount concern about the health of the financial sector 金融機関の健全性を取り戻す: rebuild the soundness of financial institutions 金融機関の経営の健全性を確保する: ensure sound management of financial institutions 金融の健全性: financial soundness 品性に欠ける: have little character 感性に欠ける: lack sensitivity 一貫性に欠ける: 【形】 repugnant 信憑性に欠ける: 1. have lack credibility 2. have no credibility 信頼性に欠ける: lack credibility 個性に欠ける人: person who lacks individuality 公共性に欠ける: show a lack of concern for the good of the community