構造改革の必要性を否定する: deny the necessity of the fiscal structural reform 経済構造改革の必要性を認識する: recognize the need for economic structural reforms 組織改革の必要性: need for the reform of the organization 改革の必要性を自覚する: become aware of a need for reform 構造改革の柱: pillar of the structural reforms 構造改革の要: part and parcel of structural reform 中期的構造改革を成し遂げる: achieve medium-term structural reforms 抜本的構造改革: sweeping structural reform 外務省改革の必要性を訴える: publicize the need for reform at the Foreign Ministry 改革の必要性に関する合意: consensus on the necessity of reform 痛みを伴う改革の必要性を共有する: share the necessity of painful reforms 経営改革の必要性を見いだす: see the need to foment a corporate revolution 経済改革の必要性を理解する: understand the need for structural reforms 構造改革の主導権: structural reform initiative 構造改革の加速化: acceleration of structural reforms