- I was informed by the press secretary that the Prime Minister's comments to me were not for attribution.
首相の私設秘書: private secretary to the prime minister
首相の施政方針演説に対する代表質問: question-and-answer session in connection with Prime Minister's policy speech
首相の特使として働く: serve as the prime minister's special representative
問題に対するコメント: comment on a problem
映画に対するコメント: someone's comment on a film〔人の〕
首相の私的諮問機関: 1. private advisory body to the prime minister 2. unofficial advisory panel to the prime minister
首相の仕事: job of prime minister
首相の力: prime minister's power
首相の地位: 1. post of prime minister 2. prime ministership
首相の権限: prime minister's power
首相の決意: prime minister's resolve
首相の発言: comment from the Prime Minister
首相の職: premiership
首相の訪米: premier's visit to the United States
首相の護衛: premier's guard