- The Prime Minister's secretary has issued a denial of the rumors of a reshuffle.
買収のうわさを否定する: fend off rumors of a takeover
うわさを否定する: 1. contradict the rumor 2. disavow the rumor 3. give a denial to the rumor
疑惑を否定する声明を出す: issue a statement denying the allegations
断固としてそのうわさを否定する: categorically deny the rumor
うわさ話を否定する: issue a denial of a rumor
内閣改造の行方をにらむ: watch moves revolving around the Cabinet reshuffle
~のうわさをする: gossip about
内閣改造をする: reshuffle the Cabinet
内閣改造: 内閣改造 ないかくかいぞう cabinet reshuffle cabinet shake-up
を否定する: deny that〔that以下〕
首相秘書官: secretary to the prime minister
当番の秘書官: duty secretary
内閣改造の重点課題に挙げる: cite ~ as the major areas to which one puts priority in organizing the new Cabinet〔~を〕
不具合の重大さを否定する: negate the flaw's significance
彼は内閣に復帰してから首相の座を奪還する態勢を整えている: He is poised to regain the prime minister's job after returning to the cabinet.