- defend to the death someone's right to〔人が〕
私は君の言うことには賛成できないが君がそれを主張する権利は命懸けで守るつもりだ。: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.〔一般にフランスの啓もう思想家、ボルテール (1694-1778)の言と信じられているが、S.G.Tallentyreというアメリカ人が書いた"The Friends of Voltaire"(1907)というボルテールの伝記の中の
命懸けで~する: risk one's life to
命懸けでする: lay one's life on the line
命懸けで(人)を守る: protect someone at the risk of one's own life
命懸けで登山する: risk one's life to climb a mountain
命懸けで: 命懸けで いのちがけで at the risk of life
命懸けである: take one's life in [into] one's (own) hands
命懸けで働く: put everything one has into one's work
命懸けで戦う: 1. fight for one's life 2. risk one's life in a war
命懸けで~を救う: risk one's life to save
市民の知る権利を守る: preserve the public's right to information
~する権利を与える: 1. give someone license to 2. give someone the authority to 3. give someone the right to 4. grant someone the right to〔人に〕
~する権利を認める: recognize someone's right to〔人が〕
命がけで守る: protect ~ with one's life〔~を〕
命懸けでやる 1: do at the risk of (losing) one's life 命懸けでやる 2 stake one's life (on)〔~を〕